
人气指数:2 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:08

  mixx官网提供的是美国的一个社交网站,创建于二00七年,是一个具有Digg概念的社交媒体网站,Mixx的UI设计是相当精致,界面也很友好。Mixx强调个人摘录信息、管理和公众页面的结合模式,网页信息之外,还支持图片、视频等多媒体内容。实际上,公众页面部分,采用的方式和 Digg 等一类的社会化新闻网站先驱者区别不大,真正的特色在于更为强大的个人平台。


  MIXX, founded by Mick Heylen in 2003, initially focused on support for audiovisuals and multimedia during events.

  MIXX gathered its thorough experience in IT, among others, by providing support for audiovisual and Powerpoint presentations for medical congresses, video installations for international artists, developing multimedia presentations for event organisers and speakers on fairs, exhibitions and events.

  Clients wondered if it was sible to make the PowerPoint presentations more interactive, and in 2006 MAXXvote, our wireless voting solution was born.MIXX continued in investigating this technology and has developed a platform for a multi-location voting system, where it can combine both onsite and online votes. You can now organize a congress up to 3000 keypads on-site.

  MIXX started to expand its expertise in event IT and providing support for temporary networks on fairs, exhibitions and congresses, and now offerscomplete event offices and complex IT solutions.

  Out of those complex IT solutions MAXXreg, our registration solution, is born in 2008. A new product offering on-site event registration and badging.Andries Heylen joined the team as head developer, and continued the development in-house and let the product grow into a mature event registration system.

  Besides a continuous growth on both products, MIXX is still there to listen to your IT problems for your event and think with you to find the best solution.


网站名称: mixx
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网站链接: www.mixx.be
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